Quit Smoking 

If you're ready to quit smoking, then hypnotherapy is a quick and painless way to end your habit for good. However long you have been smoking for, hypnotherapy can help you to ditch the cigarettes and move forward into a healthier lifestyle. 

You may have tried to quit before, without success, but that doesn't mean that you can't defeat the habit this time. As well as helping you to quit, our hypnotherapy sessions focus on ensuring that you remain a non-smoker for life. 

Making it easy to quit 

Clinical hypnosis (hypnotherapy) combined with CBT offers a powerful support mechanism to assist those deciding to quit smoking. Whilst it is true that there’s nothing that’s guaranteed to make someone quit smoking, having this therapy can make a vital difference in helping you to believe that you can succeed and gaining the confidence to do so. The key to successful change is nearly always at the sub-conscious level. You may recognise the idea of the little voice in your head that can either be very supportive or very negative. “Taming” the inner voice is part of the solution. CBT teaches us that our thoughts affect our feelings and behaviours and that by changing our thoughts we can change the way we feel, such as feeling good about being a non-smoker and our behaviours such as quitting. 

Read a recent experience on how quit smoking is really possible. 

"...I went to Christina after thinking, hypnotherapy - why not?! It was the one thing I hadn't tried and I must admit I had mixed feelings going into the appointment just because the thought of not smoking again petrified me. (But not as much as the thought of slowly killing myself through my addiction!) I had come to the point where physically I was ok, i eat healthy and do lots of exercise only to ruin it all by puffing away...." READ THE FULL STORY 

Why do you smoke? 

We look at the underlying reasons why you smoke so that we can deal with these and aim to ensure that you are never driven to return to smoking in the future. 

Making it easy to quit 

Most of our clients are surprised by how easy it is to quit smoking using hypnotherapy. Are you ready to quit smoking for good? 
If you want to understand more about hypnotherapy, please read our hypnotherapy page. Alternatively, if you're ready to make a change and quit smoking now, then call us on 07807 991251 or fill in our contact form today. 
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Quit 4 Life 

Christina is a Quit 4 Life practitioner, which means that she is trained in helping people to quit smoking through a national support network that provides hypnotherapy along with ongoing help and support. It integrates well-known approaches such as cognitive behavioural therapy and solution focused techniques. 
In addition, for every client who books on, Snowdrop House donates £5 to cancer research. The first session is £160 and if a repeat session is necessary then the cost is £80. These sessions are generally longer sessions than for other hypnotherapy treatments. 
Smoking Cessation £160