Phobias & Fears 

Phobias and fears are surprisingly common, and can have a big impact on your day-to-day activities and your ability to live your life to the full. It may be that you've managed to set up your life in a way that means you rarely come into contact with your phobia, or perhaps that's not possible and you're living with a lot of anxiety as a result. 

Anyone who's experienced phobias and fears knows that even if you're aware that the overwhelming level of fear you feel is irrational or exaggerated, it's difficult to do anything about it consciously. This is because the phobia is usually as a result of an experience you've had and your subconscious mind is now working to protect you from harm or danger, even if there is no real threat present. 

Phobias can include: 

Environmental phobias such as fear of heights, storms, water or darkness 
Animal phobias such as fear of snakes, rats, dogs, spiders or wasps 
Dental, medical and needle phobia 
Bodily phobias such as fear of blood, injury, sickness or injection 
Situational phobias such as fear of flying, driving, tunnels, bridges, dentists, social situations, going outside (agoraphobia) or speaking in public. 

Reaction to Phobias 

When you're having a phobic reaction to an object, place, situation, feeling or animal, your symptoms might include: 
Increased heart rate 
Shortness of breath 
Unsteadiness or dizziness 
An upset stomach 

How can hypnotherapy help with phobias? 

The most effective way to treat a phobia using hypnotherapy is to find the cause of the phobia and then address it. Clients usually find this is a relaxing process and phobias can often be eradicated in a small number of sessions. 
If you'd like to find out more about how we can work with you to conquer your fears and phobias, please call 07807 991251 or email 

Client Testimonial 

"I had one session with Christina and felt so much more positive and on control" 
“Since I could remember, I have had a fear of spiders, it was getting so bad and since my partner passed away I had to deal with them alone and wanted to be more in control and less fearful. I had one session with Christina and felt so much more positive and on control afterwards, she got to the root of the fear, listened to what I wanted to achieve and enabled me to deal with spiders so much better, I’m so grateful and enjoyed the session” PM Shrewsbury, Shropshire